SMTES Pick-Up & Drop-Off Procedures

We appreciate parents and guardians who drop off and pick up your children either daily or on occasion, but we ask you to please note the following important safety procedures at Stuart M. Townsend Elementary School:

*Please do not utilize the parking lot and walk to the entrance with your child. That area is assigned for Head Start and Pre K only. 


Arrival/Dismissal Procedures for K-6 ~

Drop off time begins at 7:40 a.m. at the circle near the side entrance by the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room. 


Please pull up to the fire hydrant when in the circle. 


If the circle is full when you arrive, please drive down Hyland Dr., which turns into Homer Dr., and turn around at the sports entrance or cul de sac down the road. 


After you turn around, please line up on the right side of the road.


This will ensure a steady flow of traffic into and out of the drop-off/pick-up location and reduce the chances of accidents and traffic build up. 


Doors will be shut by 7:50 a.m. to ensure children are not late to class. If you arrive after 7:50 a.m., please proceed to the main office to sign your child in. 


We follow the same procedures during pick up. Dismissal begins at 2:15 p.m. for ALL students. 


If you are new to drop off/pick up, please present your name and child's name to Officer E. and/or Mrs. Townsend. 


Thank you for your cooperation, and have a great year!