Contact Us
If you have a question or concern regarding the district or its academic or extracurricular programs, please contact us. In order to quickly and effectively address your questions or concerns, please contact the staff member most directly involved first (as seen in line 1 in the image below).

Central Registrar and Data Coordinator - Lisa Marcellus
District DASA Coordinator - Nia Ketter
Director of Special Education - Robert Mark
Director of Athletics - Gary Wilson
Dean of Students - Megan Moulton
Stuart M. Townsend Elementary School Principal - Jon Baker
Junior/Senior High School Principal - Dan Hamm
Technology Coordinator and Data Officer - Lenny Locke
Tech Help Desk -
Transportation Secretary - Pam Heil
Transportation Supervisor - Ricky McFarlane
Director of Facilities - Brian Gereau
Food Service Director - Courtney Scheff
School Business Official - Michelle Taylor
Superintendent - Burgess Ovitt